This picture was taken on Liam's 3rd birthday.. that week he was placed with a new speech therapist. I also started Liam on fish oil and some essential oil blends that I read helped with speech delays. With this new combination and continued prayer Liam has started making some real progress. He is finally calling me "Mama" which literally brings me to tears every time I hear it.
Liam doesn't have a formal diagnosis yet.. we suspect he is suffering from Apraxia of Speech. "Apraxia of speech is a motor speech disorder. The messages from the brain to the mouth are disrupted, and the person cannot move his or her lips or tongue to the right place to say sounds correctly, even though the muscles are not weak." Imagine understanding everything around you and not being able to respond the way you want. It. Is. Hard.
This mountain has been difficult. I admit that most nights I wake up in a panic and my husband will find me deep in research, looking for a new treatment, or book, or doctor, or school that may help.. Some days are easier than others but it is never far from my mind.. I am always worried about Liam. I know my guy is strong but I also know how mean kids are. Regardless of the stress and fear, we still have a happy and loving home. Liam is lucky to have 2 brothers that are going to have his back no matter what and 2 parents that are going to push him all the way up this mountain. We may still be just at the bottom.. and there is no doubt that it is a long way up. But we are going to trek on. Darren and I have learned some perspective and we will continue to celebrate each and every tiny step. We must always remember to stay humble and that everyone is climbing their own peak.
While Liam has struggled to communicate with us verbally, he has no trouble 'talking to us'.. He may not say "I love you" yet, but I know he does when he holds my hand or rubs my arm while we read books. When he is naughty he might not say "I am sorry" with words but he gives the most heartfelt hugs and kisses. I have no doubt in my body that Liam will reach the top of this mountain. I will be his voice for as long as he needs.. I can't wait to watch him get there, and when he does I have no idea what he will shout.. But I know that it will be AMAZING.